Java-11-openjdk aarch64 1: appstream 436 k Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) lets you develop and deploy Java applications on desktops and servers. Package Architecture Version Repository Size Last metadata expiration check: 2:00:49 ago on Thu 10:27:45 AM +08.
$ sudo dnf install -assumeyes java-11-openjdk Xorg-x11-fonts-Type1 noarch 7.5-33.el9 appstream 505 k JDK 20 is the latest release of Java SE Platform and JDK 17 LTS is the latest long-term support release for the Java SE platform. Tzdata-java noarch 2022g-2.el9 appstream 229 k Ttmkfdir aarch64 3.0.9-65.el9 appstream 51 k For Java 11, long-term support will not be provided by Oracle for the public instead, the broader OpenJDK community, as. Mkfontscale aarch64 1.2.1-3.el9 appstream 32 k The security baselines for the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) at the time of the release of JDK 11.0.16 are specified in the following table: JRE Family Version JRE Security Baseline. The binaries published in the past are available in the Older Releases page. Lua-posix aarch64 35.0-8.el9 appstream 149 k OpenJDK 11 OpenJDK 11.0.19 LTS See previous releases OpenJDK 16 Microsoft no longer publishes updates for OpenJDK 16, as it is not a Long Term Supported (LTS) version of OpenJDK. Javapackages-filesystem noarch 6.0.0-3.el9 appstream 14 k Last metadata expiration check: 1:58:16 ago on Thu 10:27:45 AM +08. Execute the following command to install the default Java Runtime Environment (JRE), which will install the JRE from OpenJDK 11: sudo apt install default-jre The JRE will allow you to run almost all Java software. $ sudo dnf install -assumeyes java-17-openjdk Neo4j 3.5.x supports Java 11 as runtime, however custom code should still be. So when you want to change the JDK you change only the JAVA_HOME variable and leave PATH as it is.Install preferred OpenJDK's JRE version from official repository. Note: You can also point JAVA_HOME to the folder of your JDK installations and then set the PATH variable to %JAVA_HOME%\bin. Al ejecutarlo, el programa obtiene de la red todos los archivos necesarios, por lo que es imprescindible permanecer conectado a Internet durante la instalación.
If you want to uninstall - just undo the above steps. La instalación manual descarga un archivo de programa ejecutable para instalar desde la red (IFTW) y apenas requiere intervención del usuario. To see if it worked, open up the Command Prompt and type java -version and see if it prints your newly installed JDK.

You may need Administrator privileges to extract the zip file to this location. C:\Program Files\Java\ and it will create a jdk-11 folder (where the bin folder is a direct sub-folder).