Xel 3 dirt 3
Xel 3 dirt 3

xel 3 dirt 3
  2. XEL 3 DIRT 3 MOD
  3. XEL 3 DIRT 3 MODS

I enjoy my rig and sim racing, but sometimes it all gets to serious and I want to have fun, and dirt 3 excels at that in every way, and looks gorgeous to boot :) Dirt rally is more sim like, but shit the bed, dirt 3 is just balls to wall fun. I'm loving dirt 3 right now, it's spectacular fun. I will hopefully be able to curate the cream of the crop mods, pack em, share em and we will have a few days/weeks/months of a bit of dirt 3 reunion :) Top top top redditer right there folks! This guy deserves promoted! With that said, you are a diamond sir and I sincerely appreciate you and your time! I'll go over it more in detail later, but it's close and could well be the correct file, I just need to clarify and understand why some of the settings would have been set to low? I'm not sure if that's the file or not? It has a few settings maxed, but bizarrely it has some settings such as tessellation, crowds etc in low which seems vert strange? Still, what an absolute gorgeous game this is and hopefully we can give it one last push )

xel 3 dirt 3

It's more like dirt 3.5 with the enhanced graphics, extra content, new lighting, higher textures, maps, reflections, particles and cameras and if we can find the ultra XML for trees, car, lod etc it can be even better still. Enjoying it so much more than dirt rally or PCars at the moment simply because it's just pure, raw, unadulterated FUN!Īnd right now, I don't need a realistic sim, I just want to feel like I'm in an arcade having a blast and a good old laugh :) Looks great so far though, I actually (down votes en route) am. It's literally a few changes in 1 xml, but it'll take me a few hours of going back and forth getting the right balance of settings, which isn't the end of the world, but as its already been done, it'll be easier to use that as a base line and tweak from there. On RD there are a few people who have it, but havnt posted it yet, hopefully someone will pop it up soon. I could very likely work it out my self as I have already upped shadows, reflections, maps etc to 4K but as I'm testing and creating the community bundle it would be much easier if someone who had it just shared it.


The only file I can't find to add to the mod is the beyond ultra xml settings / mod it's basically a few settings pushed up a notch or two. I've also modded a few of them my self, and also made a few changes to the hardware configs to increase quality.


The particles mod makes the game look like a Michael bay movie and is good fun to enable when in a lan race with friends, it's mental. The any car any track mod is great fun for lan races The lighting mod is great for those who don't like the vibrant look (I personally love the default look) The camera mod allows for dirt rally style dash cams,p. The sound mod is great, the cars now sound like dirt rally (raw)


I currently have a lot of the best mods in testing. If you ignore the gymkhana and just rally it's an absolutely fantactic game AND has potential to look better. There is absolutely 0 aliasing, no shimmer, support for 21:9 and multi monitor, weather, day/night and a host of spectacular cars. Even now, in my opinion, this game looks absolutely mind blowing!

Xel 3 dirt 3