Us ogame gameforge
Us ogame gameforge

(Hey we have been crying about two players that have been cheating since day 1, and only got permanmently banned 3 months in.

us ogame gameforge

Cheaters are still abundant in every universe, even with over-whelming proof nothing is being done to combat it fast enough to the point that dead universes are just filled with obvious scripters still running on. and the 'new' players that do make an appearance are pretty much old timers that decided to come back for whatever reasons. The amount of players leaving compared to new ones joining is greater. Discoverer class is still the most broken class in the game by a long shot, despite the nerfs. STOMT was a nice idea, yet with all the good ideas that could of realistically been implemented, I fail to see actual results apart from 1/2 ideas that actually made it into the game. Now a days nobody even attempts anything anymore. So it just breeds discussions that literally realistically ends up in running around in circles/ people arguing/ moderators shutting it down. Any critical ideas in reviving the game the past months/years just get shut down by moderators, with the hopes that lead to lies about gameforge ''doing something''. Forums barely get any attention apart from a post here and there, its pretty much a desert with the odd oasis of content splattered here and there. Sweden having a rough time with only 6 current online players in all 4 of their official servers) granted, but not by a large margin either. (US/FR and other countries with their seperate servers) Some have more numbers then ORG. Talking about players, why are the other communitys isolated? It just seperates the player base even more. I think it would be safe to assume that theres less then 6k players being active everyday in the ORG community. Remember when 1443 was the norm for 2/3 universes? (Inflated numbers due to multi accounts rule being permitted) so lets say each player has 2 accounts online atm, meaning theres probably less then 250 actual individuals online in Volans.)

us ogame gameforge

Theres currently 1443 players online in 19 universes at the moment of making this post with Volans having the most containing 530 players currently online. I just did a fast calcuation of all current online players in.

Us ogame gameforge