Febio postview
Febio postview

FEBio supports both quasi-static and dynamic analyses. Users can solve problems in solid mechanics, contact analysis, porous media problems, fluid mechanics, and as of version 2.8, fluid-solid interaction (FSI) problems as well. It was developed in collaboration with research groups from the University of Utah (MRL, SCI) and Columbia University (MBL).įEBio offers modeling scenarios, constitutive models, and boundary conditions that are relevant to numerous research areas and specializes in the analysis of 3D multiphysics models that can undergo large deformations.


Users can also record and save animations directly to a movie format (AVI, MPEG).FEBio (Finite Elements for Biomechanics) is a software package for finite element analysis and was specifically designed for applications in biomechanics and bioengineering. Screenshots can be taken directly in PostView and saved in various image formats (BMP, TIFF). Most of the graph tools also allow the graph data to be saved on the clipboard so that it can be pasted into other programs (e.g. Image data can be visualized either via a volume rendering of the data or via a slice-based visualization, where only individual slices of the image data are shown.ĭata can be exported from PostView in many ways and in several formats (TXT, VTK, LSDYNA Keyword, etc.). Users can also import volumetric (3D) image data alongside with their finite element results.

febio postview

Additional data fields can also be imported from external data files and applied to the loaded model. For instance, data fields can be combined algebraically, or gradients can be calculated from scalar fields, and more. New data fields can also be defined by filtering existing data fields. For instance, the user can evaluate various strain measures from the displacement field. The time steps from the FEBio output (.plt file) can be viewed as an animation in PostViewĪdditional data fields can be generated from within PostView in a variety of ways. The Integration tool can be used to evaluate volume and surface integrals of the model data. The Summary tool provides an overview of the averaged data of the entire model. Values at nodes and elements can be interrogated directly and all data can be visualized as a time history using the TrackView tool. PostView also offers several tools for inspecting data quantitatively. Additional visual realism can be added using transparency and shadows. The contents and the layout of the rendering as well as the color schemes, and all options for rendering facets, lines, and points, can be customized fully by the user. The rendering of the model can be augmented by adding additional plots, such as surface plots, isosurface plots, vector plots, plane cuts and several other. PostView shows a graphical rendering of the model and, in the case the model has time-dependent data, can show an animation of the model. It also offers several ways to add additional data to an already loaded model.

febio postview

LSDYNA Keyword, LSDYNA binary database, VTK). It can import the FEBio extendible plot file format (XPLT), as well as several other data formats (e.g. Postview is a finite element post-processor that is designed to visualize and analyze results from an FEBio analysis.

Febio postview